Baseline Road and Range Road 224, Sherwood Park, Alberta
St. Sophia Parish is now celebrating Divine Liturgy every Sunday at 10:00 AM.
Masking is no longer mandated by provincial regulators. However, anyone who chooses to wear a mask is welcomed to do so.
St. Sophia Parish endeavors to practice the rich traditions of the Byzantine Rite within a modern contemporary context. The parish consists primarily of young families with a healthy representation from all generations. It offers programs and activities that promote the Spiritual, Educational, Cultural and Social needs of the Parish.
All are welcome to participate in the Liturgy. Anyone who wishes to join St. Sophia Parish just needs to complete a membership form (found at the back of the Chapel) and either give it directly to Fr. Rendy, or drop it off in the collection plate. (New members will be given a box of collection envelopes, with a personalized number for their convenience to ensure the accurate tracking of any donations for tax receipt purposes.)
Children's Sunday School Programs every Sunday except during Children's Liturgy (1st Sunday of the month).
NOTE CHANGE IN LOCATION - Baseline Road and Range Road 224